Networking. It’s vital to career success. It can be hard and uncomfortable, but it’s necessary. So we power through and make those connections that could be the difference between a job you go to every day because you have to and your dream job.
You’ve gone to the in-person networking event. You’ve connected on LinkedIn. You’ve given your business card to everyone you know. You’re all good in the networking realm and now that you found a job you don’t have to worry about anymore, right?
Here are 4 ways that you’re networking wrong and what you should do to fix them.

1) You Aren’t Following Up
You did the thing. You went to the in-person networking event. You networked your little tush off, gave out business cards, got other people’s business cards, shook hands (good thing you brought your hand sanitizer), and made tons of great connections. Great job!
Now it’s Monday and you’re back on the grind, busy busy busy. You told 3 people you would email them your resume or portfolio, but in the light of Monday, your priority list takes over. No big deal, they’re too busy anyway. It doesn’t matter, you’ll email them later in the week, they’ll remember you, right?
Sounds familiar? We need to stop that thinking now! Those people you networked with have their own Monday morning priority list and if you want to get on it, the only way to do so is to follow up! Following up keeps people from forgetting you and what you can do for them. You can read more here to get some ideas on following up without being annoying.

2) You Aren’t Being Proactive
You’ve got a cushy job that you enjoy so why would you spend time networking? If you aren’t looking for a new job or looking to change careers you don’t need to expand your network, right?
Wrong, again.
You should always be building your network, not just when you need it. If you’re constantly working on building your network, it will be strong and will work for you when you need it the most. Make sure you’re actively seeking out networking opportunities, not just waiting for fate to bring them to you.
There are so many places to network these days. You can find others in Facebook groups, on LinkedIn, and of course, in-person networking events. Join or LinkedIn groups that are local and centered around your field to find events in your area. Getting others to remember you and have your network work for you is as simple as providing value whenever you can. Which brings me to point 3.

3) You’re More Take Than Give
So you found a great group on LinkedIn or Facebook that is full of networking opportunities. These people need you and you need them. You jump in headfirst and offer your services but you never seem to get a bite. No one answers your messages or emails after they’ve posted about needing help. But you can help them! Why aren’t they hiring you?
It’s most likely because they have never seen your name or seen you offering any value before. Answering inquiries or giving advice to others, along with standalone posts to the group (within the rules!) are important ways for people to get to know you and make them much more likely to want to hear from you.
These sorts of things can take you from being a random person they don’t trust, to the person they tag in posts when others are looking for help. Or even the people they hire when they need help!
It’s about consistent and ever-present interaction within those groups. The more value you can provide, the more of an expert you will become. Give first, ask later.

4) You Aren’t Scheduling Time to Network
There are never enough hours in the day as it is. Why would you add more items to your list?
Well, frankly, it can be hurting you more than you realize. It’s important to carve out time each week to network. Like I mentioned before, you should be networking proactively so your network is built before you need it.
Try taking at least 30 minutes each day to commit to networking so you can have the foundation that you need before you need it. Most of us are already on social media every day. It’s a wonder what those minutes can do for your career if you spend them giving advice and being seen as an expert in groups centered around your field or industry. When it comes time to make your next career move, you’ll be amazed at the difference your network can make.

Networking can be unnerving, but it can be as easy as long as you’re putting yourself out there, connecting with people, and following up! Before you know it (and hopefully before you really need it) you’ll have a great, strong network that can help launch you into your dream career!
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